Like many of you, I have a GitHub account that I use for work, and a separate one for my personal projects. But I had the hardest time getting both of them set up on the same computer. I’m going to point you to all of the articles that helped me, but I’ll also walk […]
TL;DR If you’re working on a site that will only use Ajax calls on some pages, but where you still want to have functional URLs, then use replaceState() for the first URL you add to history. This will let you navigate back to the previous page, if needed. For the other Ajax calls, use pushState(). […]
Not long ago, I was working on a site for a client, and the designer wanted to implement something that I initially assumed would be very simple. He wanted to use a full-width background image for the site and show all the content in a smaller div centered on the page. Pretty standard. But he […]
I recently worked on a project that needed to dynamically load a video, based on a url supplied by the user. To parse the url, I used jQuery’s .contains() method. Initially, everything worked great. But once I began testing the mobile version of the site, I noticed that my video wasn’t loading correctly. It took […]
The HTML “pre” tag is really useful if you need to display text that’s preformatted. In other words, it will preserve any spacing and line breaks in your source text. I recently had to use the pre tag in an email app I was writing because the message text could contain some code that I […]